
Add new class to monogame visual studio 2017
Add new class to monogame visual studio 2017

add new class to monogame visual studio 2017

This will determine if we should draw a floor as in Line 9 or a wall as in Line 14 Line 6 – As we iterate through each Cell we check the IsWalkable property. This returns an IEnumerable of all Cells in the map that we can iterate through using a foreach loop. Line 4 – Next we call the GetAllCells() method on our newly created _map. This value will be used to calculate where to draw each sprite. If you used the graphics provided above these are 64 pixels square.

add new class to monogame visual studio 2017

Line 3 – We set a variable corresponding to the size of the sprites we are using for our floor and wall Cells. SpriteBatch.Draw( _wall, position, Color.White ) SpriteBatch.Draw( _floor, position, Color.White ) Var position = new Vector2( cell.X * sizeOfSprites, cell.Y * sizeOfSprites ) SpriteBatch.Begin( SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.AlphaBlend ) įoreach ( Cell cell in _map.GetAllCells() )

#Add new class to monogame visual studio 2017 code#

Place the following code just under where it says // TODO: Add your drawing code here. To actually see our map we’re going to need to add some code to the Draw() method in Game1.cs. It’s great that we created a Map, but we can’t actually see it yet. Your code should now look something like this Drawing the Map The source code for the RandomRoomsMapCreationStrategy can be found here. And last make sure that each side of the rooms are between 3 and 7 Cells long. Try to place up to 100 rooms on this Map (though many of these will be thrown out if they overlap an existing room). With the parameters we provided we said create a Map that is 50 by 30 Cells in size. roomMinSize = The minimum width and height of each room that will be generated in the Map.roomMaxSize = The maximum width and height of each room that will be generated in the Map.maxRooms = The maximum number of rooms that will exist in the generated Map.height = The height of the Map to be created.width = The width of the Map to be created.The constructor takes 5 parameters which are as follows: With this strategy a Map will be generated by trying to place rooms up to the maximum number specified in random locations around the Map. Each room will have a height and width between the minimum and maximum room size. If a room would be placed in such a way that it overlaps another room, it will not be placed. Once all rooms have have been placed, or thrown out because they overlap, corridors will be created between rooms in a random manner. In this example we didn’t make our own class, but instead used the RandomRoomsMapCreationStrategy which is included with the RogueSharp library. This also allows anyone to create their own Map generation code by simply creating a class that implements the IMapCreationStrategy interface. Several implementations of this strategy are included with RogueSharp. There is a static method on the Map class that takes an IMapCreationStrategy as a parameter. _map = Map.Create( mapCreationStrategy ) New RandomRoomsMapCreationStrategy( 50, 30, 100, 7, 3 ) IMapCreationStrategy mapCreationStrategy = In the Initialize() method place the following code just under where it says // TODO: Add your initialization logic here. Next we want to create a private field of type IMap named _map in the Game1 class In the Game1.cs file we’ll first need to add a using directive for the RogueSharp namespace

Add new class to monogame visual studio 2017